Structure ========= Directories ----------- * ``XXX/device/`` - Full architecture definitions of a given device for `Verilog To Routing `__ * ``XXX/device/YYYY-virt`` - Verilog to Routing architecture definitions generally are not able to able to generate the **exact** model of many FPGA routing interconnects, but this is a pretty close. * ``XXX/primitives/`` - The primitives that make up the architecture. These are generally used inside the tiles. * ``XXX/tiles/`` - The tiles found in the architecture. * ``XXX/tests/`` - Tests for making sure the architecture specific features works with VPR. * :ghsrc:`vpr` - Common defines used by multiple architectures. Files ----- * `pb_type.xml` - The Verilog to Routing `Complex Block `__ defintinition. * Inside ``primitives`` directory they should be intermediate or primitive ```` and thus allow setting the ``num_pb`` attribute. * Inside ``tiles`` directory they should be top level ```` and thus have, * ``capacity`` (if a pin type), * ``width`` & ``height`` (and maybe ``area``) * ``model.xml`` - The Verilog to Routing `Recognized BLIF Models `__ defintinition. * ``sim.v`` - A Verilog definition of the object. It should: - [ ] Match the definition in ``model.xml`` (should be one ``module`` in ``sim.v`` for every ``model`` in ``model.xml``) - [ ] Include a ``ifndef BLACKBOX`` section which actually defines how the Verilog works. * ``macro.v`` - A Verilog definition of the object which a user might instantiate in their own code when specifying a primitive. This should match the definition provided by a manufacturer. Examples would be the definitions in: - `Lattice iCE Technology Library `__ - `UG953: Vivado Design Suite 7 Series FPGA and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Libraries Guide `__ Names ----- * ``BLK_MB-block_1_name-block_2_name`` - ``BLOCK`` which is a "**m**\ ega **b**\ lock". A "mega block" is a top level block which is made up of other blocks. * ``BLK_XX-name`` - ``BLOCK`` which is the hierarchy. Maps to ``BLK_SI`` -> ``SITE`` and ``BLK_TI`` -> ``TILE`` in Xilinx terminology. * ``BLK_IG-name`` - ``BLOCK`` which is ignored. They don't appear in the output hierarchy and are normally used when something is needed in the description which doesn't match actual architecture. * ``BEL_RX-mux_name`` - ``BEL`` which is a **r**\ outing mu\ **x**. Routing muxes are statically configured at PnR time. * ``BEL_MX-mux_name`` - ``BEL`` which is a **m**\ u\ **x** . * ``BEL_LT-lut_name`` - ``BEL`` which is a **l**\ ook up **t**\ able. * ``BEL_MM-mem_name`` - ``BEL`` which is a **m**\ e**m**\ ory. * ``BEL_FF-ff_name`` - ``BEL`` which is a **f**\ lip **f**\ lop (``FF``). * ``BEL_LL-latch_name`` - ``BEL`` which is a **l**\ atch (``LL``). * ``BEL_BB-name`` - ``BEL`` which is a **b**\ lack **b**\ ox (``BB``). * ``PAD_IN-name`` - A signal input location. * ``PAD_OT-name`` - A signal output location. Notes ----- * Unless there is a good reason otherwise, all muxes should be generated via ` `__. * DRY (Don't repeat yourself) - Uses :wikipedia:`XML XIncludes ` to reuse stuff!