cell data files

The cell data files are meant for specific primitives which have a common attribute format. The data contained in these files is generated/copied from the corresponding primitives’ fuzzers.

Naming convention

The naming scheme for the cell data files is the following:


Example files:

  • gtpe2_common_attrs.json

  • gtpe2_channel_ports.json

File format

There are two main data file types:

  • Ports

  • Attributes

Attributes files

This is a JSON file containing a dictionary of parameters, each one with, at most, four attributes:

  • Type: one of BIN, INT, STR, BOOL.

  • Values: all possible values that this parameter can assume. In case of BIN types, the values list contains only the maximum value reachable.

  • Digits: number of digits (or bits) required to enable a parameter.

  • Encoding: This is present only for INT types of parameters. These reflect the actual encoding of the parameter value in the bit array.

As an example of parameter please, refer to the following:

    "PLL0_REFCLK_DIV": {
        "type": "INT",
        "values": [1, 2],
        "encoding": [16, 0],
        "digits": 5
        "type": "BIN",
        "values": [127],
        "digits": 7
    "RX_XCLK_SEL": {
        "type": "STR",
        "values": ["RXREC", "RXUSR"],
        "digits": 1
        "type": "BOOL",
        "values": ["FALSE", "TRUE"],
        "digits": 1

Ports files

This is a JSON file containing a dictionary of ports, each one with two attributes:

  • Direction: Corresponds to the port directiona and can have the input, output, clock values.

    Note that the clock value is implicitly considered also as an input.

  • Width: Indicates the width of the port bus.

As an example of parameter please, refer to the following:

    "CFGRESET": {
        "direction": "input",
        "width": 1
    "CLKRSVD0": {
        "direction": "input",
        "width": 1